Specific Resistance of Metals

What is Specific Resistance?

The specific electric resistance (K) of a material is the resistance offered by a wire of the material which is one foot long with a diameter of one MIL.

Specific Resistance Chart

Material Specific Resistance (K)
Aluminum 17.0
Brass 43.0
Constantan 295.0
Copper 10.8
German Silver (18%) 200.0
Gold 14.7
Iron (Pure) 60.0
Magnesium 276.0
Manganin 265.0
Monel 253.0
Nichrome 600.0
Nickel 947.0
Silver 9.7
Tantalum 93.3
Tin 69.0
Tungsten 34.0

Warning: When using this information to perform electrical work, call a licensed electrician and consult the NEC® for safety. All licensed electricians have passed examinations covering the National Electric Code®, know state and local building codes, and may carry insurance to cover damages.