Industry Recognition

Awards & Rankings

From annual sales totals to website development, to outstanding leadership, these are just a few of the most recent achievements for which Elliott Electric Supply has received industry-wide recognition.

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National Distributor Ranking

Elliott Electric Supply is the 8th largest distributor in the nation, as ranked by Electrical Wholesaling.
Electrical Wholesaling Ranking

8th Largest Distributor

Based on our total sales of $2.15 billion for last year, Electric Wholesaling ranked Elliott Electric Supply as the 8th largest distributor in the US.

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Elliott Electric Supply ranked by MDM
Modern Distribution Management

10th Largest Distributor

Elliott Electric Supply was ranked as the 10th largest electrical supplies distributor in the nation by Modern Distribution Management magazine.

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Industry Awards & Recognition

Phil Hale
NAED Distinguished Distributor Award

Elliott Electric Supply's Chief Information Officer, Phil Hale, received the NAED Distinguished Distributor Award at the National Association of Electrical Distributors' 2024 Annual Meeting. In this footage of the awards ceremony captured by TED Magazine, Elliott Electric Supply Founder and Chairman Bill Elliott presents the award to Phil Hale.

Best of the Best Award for Best Website

Elliott Electric Supply was awarded TED Magazine's 2007 Best of the Best Award for Best Website in the category "Distributor Over $200 Million."

TED magazine's Best of the Best awards program exists to honor marketing excellence and recognize creativity within the electrical industry in companies of all sizes. The success of a marketing program is often difficult to measure in tangible terms; therefore the awards program provides winners with the opportunity to show that their work is highly regarded within their own industry. In addition, over the years, the program has become a way to benchmark a company's efforts against those of its peers.

2007 TED Best of the Best Award, Elliott Electric Supply

NAED's Arthur W. Hooper Award
Bill Elliott

From TED Magazine: "Nearly every year since 1992, NAED's Arthur W. Hooper Award has been awarded to an individual who has served the industry in an outstanding and unselfish way over the course of his or her career in the distribution of electrical goods." This year, the honor goes to Bill Elliott, president of Elliott Electric Supply in Nacogdoches, Texas.
"For those who know Bill Elliott, the news that he is being awarded NAED's most prestigious honor comes as no surprise...."

TED Magazine - Bill Elliott Arthur W. Hooper Award- April 2009

Named NAED's Chairman
Bill Elliott

From TED Magazine: 'Bill Elliott is uniquely qualified to serve as NAED's chairman--after all, he joined NAED as a single-store distributor 33 years ago and has utilized the organization as a tool to grow his business ever since. His membership has run the gamut from being a small member with sales of less than $500,000 to evolving into a regional chain leader with sales of $180 million (2005).

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TED Magazine May 2005 - Bill Elliott NAED Chair
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Community Awards & Recognition

East Texan of the Year
Bill Elliott

Bill Elliott, our founder and chairman, has been named the 2020 Ralph W. Steen Memorial East Texan of the Year by the Deep East Texas Council of Governments & Economic Development (DETCOG). The Steen Award was named in honor of the beloved past president of Stephen F. Austin State University. It honors an individual who has played a major role in leadership and service to Deep East Texas.

"We've just been fortunate to have the right people at the right time in the right place," Elliott said upon receiving the award. "I'm very flattered with this."

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Bill Elliott receives the 2020 Ralph W. Steen Memorial East Texan of the Year Award