No. You no longer have to specify your location before searching for products. The site's search tool will automatically choose the best location for you if you are not logged in. However, we do recommend that you login before searching, for several reasons.
In addition to displaying your special pricing and synchronizing your Custom Part Numbers and Lists with our Products section, logging in will ensure that you automatically see real-time inventory numbers for your primary Elliott store. This provides you the highest level of convenience, and you can always view stock levels from a different store location by using the Change Store option from any search results page.
Elliott Electric Supply has over 105 locations with inventory, and all stock levels shown on the website are in real-time. For this reason, it's highly useful to have an online Elliott Account, even for customers who only make cash transactions, so that your primary store location used by our Products section is as close to you as possible—giving you the most efficient delivery or pick-up available.
Login and select Account > Overview, or simply click the word Account on the blue navigation menu at the top of any page.
This will take you to the main Account Overview page, which provides an overview of your account. On it, you will find comprehensive information for your main account, in addition to details on each Sub-Account.
Login and go to Account > Payable > Make a Payment
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