Budget Your Project Better

Quote Services

One of the easiest ways to manage your project's budget is knowing the total cost of materials before you get started. With Elliott Electric Supply's quote services, we can help you make informed decisions by working closely with your Bills of Materials to find areas where you can save additional costs.

Create however many quotes as you want, whenever you want for special pricing. Once your quote is approved, you can save it for later or convert it into an order for immediate purchase. With our Rapid Entry form, you simply enter any Elliott Product or Custom Part Numbers and the corresponding quantities for which you would like to receive a price quote. To submit a quote even faster, our Bulk Quote Pad allows you to copy/paste item quantities and part numbers for your computer.

Know the total cost of materials with a quote

The Quotes Process

How to Request a Quote

Create a quote

STEP 1: Create a Quote

Create a quote using your account's main Quotations page, by adding items to your shopping cart, or by copying items from a custom list or past order.

Submit an RFQ

STEP 2: Submit an RFQ

When you have finished adding all necessary information, including delivery information, and items to your quote, save and submit your quote as an RFQ.

Wait for RFQ Review

STEP 3: Wait for Review

Your RFQ(s) will be reviewed by your Elliott Electric sales rep. If you need to update your RFQ, you will have to resubmit it.

Complete Order

STEP 4: Complete Order

Once your REQ is approved, you can go ahead and complete your purchase with the new quoted price or you can edit the quote and resubmit it as an RFQ.

Quotes Help with Project Management

  We offer coordinated ship dates from our manufacturers

  Recap Reports (upon request)

  Easy Submittals

  Operation and Maintenance Manuals (when needed)

  Dedicated Project Managers

Additional Benefits of Quote Services

  Your files are electronically saved for future reference

  You have access to online blueprint services to retrieve job information

  Quotes are typically issued per each customer's BOM

  Quotes can be sent via Fax or Email

  Quotes provide a detailed BOM of the material quoted

Quotes Services FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions


Submit a Quote Online

  1. Log in and go to your main Quotations page and Create a Quote
  2. Submit your RFQ to your Elliott Sales Rep
  3. Once approved, your RFQ will return to you as an EES Quote with our special pricing
  4. Find your approved quote under EES Quotes
  5. Finalize your purchase


Negotiate a Quote

  1. Create your quote
  2. Contact your Elliott Sales Rep and submit your quote via phone or fax
  3. Once approved, you can find your approved quote under EES Quotes
  4. Finalize your purchase

RFQ is an acronym for Request For Quotation.

After you create a quote, you will submit it as an RFQ to your Elliott Sales Rep. Once approved, your RFQ will return to you as an EES Quote with our special pricing.

Elliott Quote

An Elliott Quote, or EES Quote, is a quote that was entered by an Elliott Salesperson. The quote may be negotiated over the phone, in person, or created online on your account and submitted as an RFQ. While an RFQ is under your Sales Rep's review, it will appear online as a Pending Quote. After it's approved, it is an EES Quote with special pricing. The EES Quote cannot be modified after its approval.

Pending Quote

A Pending Quote is a quote you make online. If the quote was submitted as an RFQ, it shows up as a Pending Quote while being processed by your Elliott Sales Rep. Pending Quotes can be modified, deleted, or saved for future use.

Start a Quote

Log into your account and hover your mouse over ACCOUNT, located in the top menu. Under the Orders, POs, & Quotes sub-menu, click Quotes / RFQs.

Account Menu: Quotes RFQs

On the Quotations page, there are two methods to create a new quote. You can use the Rapid Entry method or, for options, click the green Create Quote button to get to the Create a Quote: Delivery Information page.

Quotations: Create New Quote

After you have submitted your delivery info, you continue on to the Add Items to the Quote page, where you can choose a method of adding items to your quote.

Quotations: Create New Quote

Add Items with Product Search

From our Products section, you can find the items you need, type a quantity in each item's quantity box, and click "Add to Quote." You may repeat the process for different items as many times as necessary. You can revise your items and quantities before you save and submit the quote.

Add Items with Rapid or Bulk Entry Search

The Rapid Entry and Bulk Pad options allow you to enter Elliott or Custom Part Numbers and the corresponding quantities to build your price quote. The Bulk Pad is best for copying and pasting parts and quantities quickly from your computer.

Add Items from From a List, Quote, or Order

You can copy items to your new quote from a custom list, from another quote, or from an order that you've placed in the past. You can adjust the copied quantities as needed before saving and submitting.

Quotations: Quote Mode

Once you have chosen your method, you will see the Quote Mode banner at the top of the screen.

Build a Quote

Using our Products pages and/or Quick Buy features, add your items and quantities that you want to order into the shopping cart. When you're ready to build your quote, go to the cart checkout page and click either of the two Request a Quote buttons.

Start building your new quote by adding Quote Information and Delivery Information and then, click Save Quote

Now, your new quote has its own Quote # and a details page. On the quote details page, you can begin editing your quote,

Get a Quote for the Items in My Cart

Shop Products

When on the Quotations page, click Create Quote button to go to the Add Items to the Quote page. There are three methods of finding items and adding them to your quote: Product Search, Rapid or Bulk Entry, and From a List, Quote, or Order.

Quotations: Create New Quote Products

Rapid or Bulk Entry

You may use the Rapid Entry text boxes or Bulk Pad. When using the Rapid Quote - Bulk Pad, enter quantities and part numbers with a space, comma, or semicolon in between or copy/paste from your file. Your entry must have only ONE ITEM per line.

Quotations: Create New Quote Rapid Bulk Entry

Copy Items from a List, Quote, or Previous Order

You can copy items to your new quote from a custom list, from another quote, or from an order that you've placed in the past. You can adjust the copied quantities as needed before saving and submitting.

Copy From a Custom List

From the Custom Lists page, add item list(s) to your cart and when you go to the check out page, you will instead be prompted to starting building your new quote.

Copy From a Quote

Search for a pending quote and open the details page to find the + Copy button. You can either copy the items into a new custom list, or copy the items into a new quote.

Copy From a Past Order

Find the Recent Order you want to copy and click Copy Items to Quotes to add the previously purchased items into your cart. When you click to view the check out page, you will be prompted to starting building your new quote.

Quotations: Copy Items from Lists

On the Quotations page, find your list of Pending Quotes and click on whichever quote number you check. At the top of the page, you can see the RFQ's progress bar with each step in the approval process.

A black background means the step is complete. A background with blue stripes means the steps is processing. Pending steps are gray.

If you need more details, you can contact your Elliott Sales Rep, whose name will appear on the quote details page in the Quote Information section. Your Sales Rep's contact information can be found toward the bottom on your Account Overview in the section labeled Contacts.

Purchasing: Check RFQ Status

Additional items can ONLY be added to a Pending Quote.

(Note: If you would like to add items to an existing EES Quote, you will need to copy the quote as a new, pending quote, add the desired items, and submit it as an RFQ.)

Open your list of Pending Quotes and click the Quote # you want to add items to.

On the Quote Details page, click the Add Items to Quote button.

Choose a method of adding items to your quote:

  • Product Search
  • Rapid or Bulk Entry
  • Copy from a Custom List
  • Copy from a Quote
  • Copy from a Past Order
Purchasing Quote: Add Items to RFQ

Quotations: Find Old Quote

Search by Quotation Number

Enter a Quote Number into the search box to retrieve the quote and view its details. All digits of the Quote Number must be entered exactly.

Search by Elliott Catalog Number

You may enter partial or complete Elliott Catalog Numbers in the search box to retrieve all Quotes on your account that contain your entry. Entering "CH," for example, would return all Quotes containing products like CH120, CH125, CH130, etc.

Search by PO/Job Name

This search method lets you enter whole or partial PO/Job Names for finding Quotes. Any Quote on your account with a PO/Job Name that contains the text you enter will be listed in the results.

Search by Custom Part Number

You can search by Custom Part Numbers to retrieve all Quotes on your account containing a specific product. You must enter your desired Custom Part Number entirely and exactly. If you haven't set up Custom Part Numbers on your account this search feature will not work.

After you log in, go to your Quotations page.

Use the Search Quotes By search bar to find the quote you want to copy and select its Quote #. On the Quote Details page, click the Copy button located directly below the quote name.

This will open a pop-up window with two options. Select Copy this Quote and press continue. A copy will be a new quote with a new quote number. You can give it a new name, edit it as necessary, and resubmit it as an RFQ, or save it for future use.

Quotations: Resubmit RFQ Quote

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