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1/2 PT P PRMR Jim PR1L Low Voc
Nacogdoches Availability: Out Of Stock
Total Availability: In Stock
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Fire Rated Sealant, 10.3 Oz Cartridge, Water Base, Red, Mild Odor, 1.25 Specific Gravity, 30 Min Setting Time, +40 to +120 °F, 12 LB
3M™ Fire Barrier Moldable Putty Stix MP+ Is A One-Part, Re-Enterable, Intumescent Putty That Can Be Easily Formed to Firestop Through Penetrations and Blank Openings In Fire-Rated Assemblies. We Formulated This Dark Red, Easily Moldable Putty Stick to Provide Up to 4 Hours Of Fire Protection. These Putty Stix Also Produce A Draft and Cold Smoke Seal and Help Reduce Noise Transfer.
Sealing Compound, 80 Oz Can, 6 LB
Series Lci Intumescent Sealant 10.1 Ounce Tube 18.2 Cu. In. (300 ML)
Total Availability: Out of Stock
Oxide Inhibiting Electrical Joint Compound, 8 Oz, For Cu-Cu, Cu Conduit Threads & Grounding Applications.
Insect Repellent Uses A High Strength Formula to Repel Mosquitoes, Gnats, Chiggers, Fleas, Ticks, Biting Flies and Other Biting Insects Up to Twice As Long As Common Consumer Insect Repellents. Insect Repellent Protects Outdoor Workers By Reducing The Ri
Cutting Oil Is A Superior Thread Cutting Lubricant For Use On All Types Of Metals, Including Brass, Copper and Aluminum. 12 WT Oz Aerosol
For General-Purpose Sealing, Bonding, Protecting and Waterproofing Applications. White Formulation Is Designed For High Moisture, Indoor/Outdoor Applications. 6.5 WT Oz Tube